Prehnite is a stone that brings peace to the heart. it is the crystal of unconditional love and it heals the healer. It is a stone that is associated with nature beings such as Devas and Elves. It teaches how to be in harmony with nature and the elemental forces and gives new life and energy to your environment.
A few days ago I received this Prehnite stone. It has an inclusion in the shape of a fairy wing. After I took this photo I saw that there is an orb on the photo at the level of my index finger. There is also light visible around my thumb. Do you see any other orbs in the photo?

Black Cats
The superstition says that if you see a black cat, bad luck will come your way. To me, the opposite feels true.
Recently I was walking in the woods and headed for an open space that I go to more often. On my way there, I suddenly realized that I had gone too far and that I had passed the side path where I had planned to turn left. I decided to turn letf at the next side path and then end up at the open space with with a short detour. While I was on my way to the open space, I saw a painted stone lying on a fallen tree trunk. I walked over to look at the image that was painted on the stone. It was a picture of a black cat with the text “Le chat noir” (which means black cat in French) written at the bottom. I decided to walk on and didn’t pay much attention to it.
Two days later my doorbell rang. I opened my front door and saw a woman who told me she had lost her cat. It was a black cat. She wanted to know if I had seen it somewhere around the neighborhood. Inside I felt a smile rise. Not because I liked the fact that this woman had lost her cat, but because it started to become clear to me that the universe was trying to tell me something in a magical way.
A few days later I was visiting friends. After a while I decided to walk into their garden. In the corner of my left eye I saw something jump out of the bushes. Suddenly I was face to face with a large black cat that was watching me from the shed.
Ok, ok, it was clear to me that the universe was trying to deliver a message here. My attention was drawn and of course I couldn’t resist googling the symbolic meaning of the black cat later that day:
“Ever considered that the black cat might point out your magical gifts? That it visits you to point out that you are much more than a puppet in the current systems and that you can use your gifts in a good way for humanity? The so-called witches of yore chose the black cat as a kind of mascot and because humanity, already in the 3rd dimension (and lower), could comprehend everything intangible and/or provable and lived out of fear, the black cat quickly became the symbol of doom. Dear human being, it is up to you to let this go and look at it from the other side.”
Ok universe, message received…

Queen Anne’s Lace
Recently, a thought or a question suddenly occurred to me. It wasn’t a theme I was working on at the time or had any logical reason for it. I suddenly wondered where the seed of carrots came from. I knew a number of people with a vegetable garden in which they grew various vegetables. I knew that many of the vegetables were grown from seed. I was aware of the leafy green on carrot that most people are probably familiar with, but had never seen a carrot plant with a flower. Where did the seed of the carrot come from?
A week later I walked by a field of flowers and was inspired to make flower essences from some of the flowers I had seen blooming in the field. A day later I was in the field looking for the brightly colored flowers I had seen the day before. I know from experience that I often go home with a different flower remedy than planned and during my search, my attention was drawn to a white flower that was a little taller than me. After a moment of hesitation, I decided to use this flower for my flower essence. I also decided to take a photo of one of the other flowers on the plant. There was something black in the center of the flower. It looked like a bit of dirt. I tried to carefully remove it but to my surprise I noticed that the black spot was part of the flower. I was a bit surprised.
After the flower essences was ready, I walked home with the bottle and the photo of the flower. I still had no idea what flower it was and I decided to search the internet for different white flowers. There were quite a few species that were difficult to distinguish, but after a while of searching there was a flower that jumped out. This flower could be recognized by the black or dark purple dot in the center of the flower. A flower called Queen Anne’s Lace, also known as wild white carrot. With a short adventure my question was answered….. I love how the universe orchestrates reality.